From 1999- the initiator and organizer of cyclical conferences “City of the 21st Century”, which every two years gather a large group of scientists-geographers, urban planners and economists and focus on the problems of cities.
International Conference on Current Issues of Sustainable Development
- date: 16 – 17.04.2007
Seventh international conference on “Current Issues of Sustainable Development”
Hosted by the Opole University and the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
- date: 07- 08.04.2008
Eighth International Conference on Current Issues of Sustainable Development
- date: 19 – 21.04.2009
Ninth International Conference and Eight International Conference for Senior and Junior
Researchers INYRSS on Current Issues of Sustainable Development – Governance
and Institutional Change
- date: 18 – 20.04.2010
10th International Conference on Current Issues of Sustainable development
- date: 10 – 12.04.2011
Eleventh International Conference on Current Issues of Sustainable Development – Governance and Institutional Change
- date: 18 – 20.03.2012
Twelfth International Conference on Current Issues of Sustainable Development – Governance and Institutional Change
- date: 22.06.2013
Thirteenth International Conference on Current Issues of Sustainable Development
“Multilevel Governance and Strategic Approaches towards Sustainable (Product) Innovation”
Second International Conference on Sustainable Business and Transitions for Sustainable Development
date: 26 – 28.06.2014
Fourteenth International Conference on Current Issues of Sustainable Development – Sustainable Energy Supply and Sustainable Product Innovation
- date: 16 – 17.03 2015
Fifteenth International Conference on Current Issues of Sustainable Development
„Transition to sustainable production and consumption systems in a globalising worldVI Polish Conference of Young Researchers
„Contemporary challenges for sustainable production and consumption”
- date: 25 – 26.04.2016
Sixteenth International Conference on Current Issues of Sustainable Development “Generations for generations – priorities of sustainable development yesterday, today and tomorrow”
VII Polish Conference of Young Researchers
“The role of young generations in building a basis for sustainable development”